It was now 4:15 and I thought I better get Marilyn's Roses before everyone gets off work and the flowers get picked over. I still had to wait in line for my flowers but by 5ish I had the flowers and a card.
Since it doesn't get dark until 6 I figured why not hit the nearby park for a half hour. It was a great choice.
I hunted for about 20 minutes or so and got some coins and such. Then I moved into an area where the detector was nulling a lot. Within the nulls I got a solid coin tone. Dig it and it's a 1935 wheat penny. A good sign I am thinking. Then I get one of those “falsing but I better dig to make sure” type signals. It turns out to be a wild goose chase and I give up on it. About a foot away I get a similar sounding signal but this sounds more like a solid silver coin sound. Skeptical but hopeful I dig. I pull up some dirt, stick the wand in the hole and get a solid silver tone again. Now I am thinking I better be more careful cause this could be silver. A little more loosing of some soil and sure enough I see the silver edge of a quarter. When I pulled it out of the hole I was like ooooh yeaaahhh!
What is remarkable is that I found one almost exactly like it about 30 feet from this one back in November. Same date and condition too. Pretty sweet.
Today Nate and I had made plans to do an all day hunt. It's too bad the weather couldn't have held out for one more day. As it turned out by the time we had gotten up and on the road there was a nice coating of snow on the ground. Not to be thwarted by some snow we still decided to give it a try.
Well, the next picture sums it up pretty good:
Ugh. Every other swing your coil would get so loaded with snow you had to kick it off. To make matters worse it caused my detector to false more frequently.
After an hour or so and not finding more than a few coins and some bottle caps I started thinking about all the better things I could be doing at home.... I guess Nate felt the same way and we basically decided to abort the mission.
My sad finds below. Notice not even a single Quarter or wheat penny. Nate at least found six quarters, a wheat penny and numerous other clad.